An 1830s Model of HMS Roebuck

An 1830s Model of HMS Roebuck
Paul Newman
Museum Collections & Operations Manager
June 21, 2024

Museum Collections and Operations Manager Paul Newman discusses an 1830s model of HMS Roebuck, a forty-four-gun British frigate that saw extensive service during the American Revolutionary War. Launched in 1774, the Roebuck found itself performing blockade duty on the Delaware River as early as 1775. The Roebuck later patrolled off Long Island and took part in the attacks on Forts Mercer and Mifflin and the siege of Charleston, South Carolina, before it returned to Great Britain in 1781. This presentation highlights the Roebuck’s service during the Revolutionary War, its technical features, and what daily life was like for her crew—all illustrated by this early model of the ship.