The electronic publications of the American Revolution Institute include booklets about our collections and programs, as well as catalogs to the Institute’s ongoing special exhibitions. These electronic publications are made available to the public free of charge. Hard copy editions of most of these publications are available for purchase as well, most at a nominal cost. To inquire about hard copy editions contact us at or 202.785.2040.
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All material published on this page and elsewhere on this website is protected by copyright held by The American Revolution Institute of the Society of the Cincinnati, Inc. Print and electronic media outlets are free to republish or quote from American Revolution Institute press releases and to quote other material on this website in a manner consistent with the fair use doctrine.
The Art of War in the Age of the American Revolution:
100 Treasures from the Robert Charles Lawrence Fergusson Collection
by Ellen McCallister Clark
Foreword by Jack D. Warren, Jr.
The Robert Charles Lawrence Fergusson Collection was established in 1988 to honor the memory of a young twentieth-century Cincinnatus who gave his life in service to his country. The collection that honors Lieutenant Fergusson’s gallant sacrifice specializes in early printed and manuscript works that illuminate the theory and practice of the warfare in the age of the American Revolution. Numbering more than twelve thousand items, the collection has been developed through careful, focused collecting over more than three decades. It is the heart of the library of the American Revolution Institute of the Society of the Cincinnati and has inspired and supported the research of thousands of scholars. This catalog presents a selection of one hundred highlights of the Fergusson Collection. The items are arranged by format—rare books, manuscripts, maps, broadsides, graphic arts, and fine arts and artifacts.
Read The Art of War in the Age of the American Revolution online
Special exhibitions featuring treasures from museum and library collections of the American Revolution Institute, to which are often added objects borrowed from other institutions and from individuals, are routinely presented to the public at our headquarters. Most of our exhibitions deal with special topics related to the American Revolution. Others deal with the history of the Society of the Cincinnati, Anderson House, or Larz and Isabel Anderson, the Society’s greatest benefactors, whose gift of Anderson House provided the Society—and now its American Revolution Institute—with an elegant and spacious headquarters. Some of the catalogs are still in print, but some are only available here as electronic publications. To learn more about our exhibitions—including some for which no catalog was published—visit Past Exhibitions.