Library Catalog
Begin your search of the library collections in the online catalog, which documents all our library holdings, including rare books, pamphlets, broadsides, prints, maps, manuscripts, and works of art on paper, as well as our extensive modern reference collection. Manuscripts are cataloged at the individual item level, in most cases with catalog entries for individual items with descriptive notes on the contents. Manuscripts included in some collections are described individually in the notes to catalog entries for those collections.

Digital Library
Expand your search of the library collections in the Digital Library of the American Revolution, which includes hundreds of manuscripts, prints, maps, broadsides, books, and pamphlets from our collections. Our digital library is growing constantly, with an emphasis on materials unique to our collections as well as books, pamphlets, and other materials not available in other online collections.

Finding Aids
Finding aids for large manuscript and archival collections, such as the Records of the Society of the Cincinnati and the Anderson Family Papers, can be found online in the Digital Library of the American Revolution. We are continuously adding new finding aids to assist researchers in exploring our library collections.
To explore highlights from our library collections, go to Discover the Collections.