This summer’s Revolutionary War Camp, a five-day camp for boys and girls, focuses on the theme Revolutionary Friendship, about the alliance forged between France and the United States during the Revolutionary War and how the French commitment to the achievement of American independence has bound the two nations together for more than two centuries. During the week, […]
Historian Albert Louis Zambone discusses and signs copies of his biography of Daniel Morgan, a homeless, illiterate teenage laborer who, with ambition, determination and a great deal of luck, became a landowner, congressman and one of America’s greatest battlefield commanders. The talk will last approximately 45 minutes, followed by a book signing and refreshments. Copies […]
Join us for a reception and an evening of play as we celebrate the world-wide launch of Revolutionary Choices, a video game created by the American Revolution Institute to make the Revolution fun—and to let players experience how hard it was to achieve independence while ensuring liberty and union. A more perfect union is possible—play […]
British military historian and armaments specialist Paul Newman discusses a Highland broadsword, the iconic weapon of the Highland Scots in the eighteenth century. During the Revolutionary War, the basket-hilt broadsword was carried by Scottish infantrymen and some British dragoons in the Royal Army, as well as by Scottish immigrants to the Carolinas and Georgia who […]
Portraits of American loyalists depicted in the uniforms they wore when they fought against the patriot cause are rare. This recently acquired oil painting is of Colonel James DeLancey of Westchester County, New York, who led several loyalist cavalry and infantry units during the Revolutionary War. Attributed to itinerant artist John Durand, the portrait was […]