Due to the current public health emergency, this event has been cancelled. John Resch, professor emeritus of history at the University of New Hampshire at Manchester, discusses how the moral sentiment of gratitude, as expressed in the image of the suffering soldier, transformed the memory of the Revolutionary War and its veterans in the early […]
James M. Greene, assistant professor of English at Indiana State University, discusses and signs copies of his book exploring Revolutionary War veterans’ narratives and how soldiers have been represented in two contrasting ways from the nation’s first days: as heroic symbols of the body politic and as people whose sufferings have been neglected by their […]
Join Deputy Director and Curator Emily Schulz Parsons for a discussion of the oil portrait A Pensioner of the Revolution, painted in 1830 by John Neagle (1796-1865), and its role in the struggle for federal pensions for Revolutionary War veterans. This somber and arresting view of a poor, elderly man hints at the financial struggles many […]